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Meltmount Media

About Meltmount for Microscopy and Optical Coupli

The Meltmount series of mounting media are specially formulated optical-quality thermoplastics for use in microscope slide mounting and in other optical coupling applications.

Meltmounts Are:

Instant they are thermal mountants and require no oven time

100% useable contain no solvents

Less Expensive per slide

Reversible thermally, for particle retrieval or re-orientation

Soluble in toluene if needed for special techniques or clean-up

Fluid at 65°C a temperature chosen because it makes a permanent mount and protects the majority of specimens from thermal changes.


Direct replacements for older stylemedia

Meltmount Usage Instructions

Meltmount is a Thermal Plastic Material. This means its viscosity is dependent on temperature (inversely dependent). As the temperature increases the viscosity decreases. There is no sharp melting point. Being thermal plastic, it is capable of cold flow. This means the Meltmount, the specimen, the slide, and the cover slip can all move independently of each other given a mix of time, temperature, and lateral pressure or gravity.

Treat slides prepared with Meltmount as the valuable items they are. Instructions for storage of prepared slide:

Flat, cover slip on top

In the dark

Away from dust and fumes

At 60° to 85°C. Meltmount is meant to be thermally reversible, dont allow this to happen inadvertently by storing or transporting prepared slide above 35°C.

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