UV Ozone Systems Details description UV Ozone Systems
Instruments that Work Easy-to-use, high quality, reliable and affordable
▶ The PSD Pro Series (PSDP-UV) ▶ The PSD Pro Heated Series (PSDP-UVT) The PSD and PSDP systems are similar in performance and dimensions, but vary in controller capability, upgradability and heated stage options.
• release of trapped inorganic molecules • chemical surface modification
Sample Applications In addition to the above uses, Novascan's PSD series instruments are often used for scanning probe microscopy applications. Our instruments can be used to clean common oily films and trapped inorganic materials from AFM tips, SPM standards and surfaces. Treatment can also be used to alter surface hydrophobicity, assist in tip and surface chemical modifications, oxidize and harden tips helping to maintain tip geometry while scanning, and sharpen tips for improved lateral resolution.
Novascan instruments are used in nanotechnology, chemistry, biology, optics, electronics, semiconductor, and other scientific laboratories around the world. The PSD Series publication list continues to grow.
Mica/Quartz/Metals/Ceramics/Sapphire/Gallium Arsenide/ Polymers such as PDSM Other Materials
Contaminated glass laboratory slide
Contaminated glass laboratory slide after 10 minutes of PSD treatment Glass laboratory slide, decontaminated after 20 minutes of PSD treatment Prev: Arbor Presses Next: Laminating |